Photo Jul 21, 7 34 11 AM.jpg

Cat is a blogger and founder of the above named internet space, created to raise awareness in this generation. From protesting to traveling to all proudly rocking her beautiful curly fro, Cat is enabling millennial greatness, planting seeds of inspo, & showing you her world! 

With her new podcast "Chats with Cat” you can now follow her journey and those of who she encounters! I promise, it won’t be hard to create a standing relationship with such a radiant soul who consistently features creatives, girl bosses, and change makers just as great!

Connect via: IG @CATLANTXO | Twitter: CATLANTXO | Soundcloud: CATLANTXO

Photos pictured taken by:  @pix.james (long left during CurlFest) | (Pink backdrop) @tinapphoto | @thatscrispi (Good Girl Club)

Photos pictured taken by:  @pix.james (long left during CurlFest) | (Pink backdrop) @tinapphoto | @thatscrispi (Good Girl Club)

TBH, I was nervous to ask questions to the one who does the asking haha but so chill and sweet her soul is plus this spot in BK was the perfect ambience, it was honestly a conversation about wanting to know more so you should too <3